Kings at Sabres: Christmas Comes Early
YOUR LOS(T) ANGELES KINGS GOT SHUT OUT BY THE BUFFALO SABRES. So that’s pretty much all the recap you need.
But we’re going to give you more anyway!
Generally speaking, starting a 5-game road trip in Buffalo feels a bit like a gift, since starting a long road trip out on the right foot is important. Losing to Buffalo is precisely the wrong foot, but shit happens. Seven of the past ten teams they’ve played have done the same. Getting shut out by Buffalo, however, has the distinct power to ruin an otherwise perfectly good day.

Me, when Buffalo scored in the 3rd and I knew the Kings never would.
A scoreless, boring tie was broken early in the 3rd period while Robyn Regehr took a breather in the box. Despite outplaying the Sabres by a not insignificant margin, the Kings didn’t ever seem that close to even almost scoring. Shooting into shin pads can have that effect.
BUF wins 1-0. LAK had 76% CF%. Martinez was +25 on the game to lead LAK. Nic Deslauriers was -2 to lead BUF.
— James Nicholson (@ulyssesjim) December 10, 2014
Once again, Buffalo blocks 25 shots and the Kings only block 6. Kings lose. Need to dig deeper and try harder.
— Jewels frm the Crown (@JFTC_Kings) December 10, 2014
In my ideal life, I would deal with such disappointments like this:
In my actual life, I deal with them like this:
In the 2-game season series against the Sabres — they of a -37 goal differential – the Kings scored twice. So that’s nice.
Their January scoring blues could be here well before for Christmas, kids!
Shot attempts in last two games: Kings 139, Flyers/Sabres 52. One goal. Two regulation losses.
— Rich Hammond (@Rich_Hammond) December 10, 2014
But look on the bright side: Jonathan Quick didn’t strain his groin in OT, because they never got there. #blessed
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